CICIND REPORT - papers and subscriptions
CICIND REPORT is published twice a year and contains an informative mix of CICIND news and technical papers. The technical papers cover a wide range of subjects relevant to the design, construction and operation of chimneys and stacks. They are of high quality, generally having been prepared by international experts working or researching in this field. Members of CICIND receive each issue as soon as it is printed.
Individual papers from CICIND REPORT, from a total of 42 issues, have been catalogued and copies are available to order at the price of 20 Euro per copy including postage and packing. Full details are provided on the order form in the catalogue.
CICIND Model Codes and Manuals represent the best available mix of international good practice in design provided by experts within the field. Unhampered by the constraints of national or regional practices, and with no particular political objective to achieve, the user can be assured of valuable, independent design advice. CICIND's programme of research also feeds into the writing of our Codes and Manuals so that the background to the clauses is well understood. Uniquely, CICIND Model Codes are also provided with a Commentary giving extra supporting information and guidance on how to apply the clauses. To order any of these publications, send an email to the Secretary above. If you want more than one consider joining CICIND - as a member you would get one free copy of all publications plus CICIND REPORT twice a year.
Model Codes and Manuals
- 05-GRP/FRP Constructions, Chimneys, Liners, ducts
- 05c-Commentaries Model Code for GRP/FRP Construction
- 05-GRP
- The CICIND Chimney Book
Industrial Chimneys of Concrete and Steel - The History of CICIND
From Foundation in 1973 to 2008
- Complete record of all CICIND Publications
- CICIND Chimney Book
NGA Minutes (for CICIND members only)
CICIND Reports (for CICIND members only)
Research Reports (for CICIND members only)
CICIND documents are presented to the best of the knowledge of members as a guide only. CICIND is not, nor are any of its members, to be held responsible for any failure alleged or proved to be due to adherence to recommendations, or acceptance of information published by the Association in a Model Code or other publication or in any other way.
Browse Publications
PUBLICATIONS of Model Codes and Manuals
View Tables of Contents for CICIND's CHIMNEY BOOK and HISTORY of CICIND.
CICIND's current Research Projects

Title: Validation of Design Procedure and Safety Concept of Concrete Chimneys via Non-linear Shell Analysis
Author: Reinhard Harte, University of Wuppertal, Germany

Title: Title: Research on a Solar Chimney Power Plant (SCPP) Wind Tunnel Tests an Numerical Simulation
Author: Reinhard Harte, Markus Herbst, University of Wuppertal